Having a good job is certainly a great thing, but then you should always aim to earn more money! That’s why the strategy should be to get a job with a stable income and then start a part time career in technical writing. To be honest, you could be making some crazy money in no time, but then you must be willing to spend the time and effort. Remember, no pain – no gain! Now here’s a short guide on how to find the firs legal writing job:
As with most aspects of life, you should be focusing on your strengths first. Have a good think about what you are good at and just focus on that. You really need to sit down and really reflect on what you excel in. If you don’t, you won’t be able to find out your strengths and you certainly can’t prove to your clients that you are capable!
You should then sign up on some freelancing website and work on your profile. Build it up and start looking for jobs. It would be a smart move to just look for technical writing first and see if you find anything that interests you. If you don’t, that’s okay; you just have to wait a few days before something comes up!
To attract customers, you need to be able to put your work out there! Post anything that you have written in the past to your portfolio – prospective clients will certainly have a look at it and might even give you a job right away if you like it! However, you must remain professional throughout the process if you want the clients to come back to you again. Technical writing is difficult, yes, but you know how to do it, then I’m sure you will make a lot of money!
The most important thing about technical writing isn’t exactly the content, but rather your ability to meet all deadlines. Sometimes the deadlines will be tight and you must go the extra mile to reach it! As a freelancer, you must be able to meet the client’s expectation and needs (unless they are unreasonable and not mutually agreed).
Failing to meet deadlines is a huge fault and it would certainly damage your reputation, making it difficult to get new jobs. It’s not worth it – just work harder!
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